Saturday, April 14, 2012

EPIQ shares - Noah's Ark vs R.M.S. Titanic

Assalamualaikum and good day…. (^o^) This entry’s title is definitely NOT a sequel of “Alien VS Predators” or “Freddy VS Jason”. But since today is the 100th anniversary of the sinking of R.M.S. Titanic, it shouldn’t hurt to reflect on the past. Besides, George Santayana once said if we don’t learn from our history, we are bound to repeat it. Therefore, it is relevant for us to study this event while comparing it to the success of ship which did survive through a disaster; Noah’s Ark.
            R.M.S. Titanic triumphed in its trial on 2 April 1912 and begin its maiden voyage on 14 April 1912 while sunk on 15 April 1912, 2.20 a.m. (actual time is still open for debate as timezone is taken into consideration but “2.20 a.m.” is the most accepted time so far). Titanic’s encounter with an iceberg which led to its demise were believed due to:
  1. Over speeding rendered the ship unable to steer away from the stray iceberg.
  2. Telecommunication breakdown regarding wireless contraptions on board. Updates on iceberg drift and call for rescue bears no fruit.
  3. Rivets of steel panel on the starboard were made of substandard materials and coincidentally, the iceberg did hit the starboard during the fateful night.
There are claims that Edward J. Smith, the captain of White Star Line (a company which owned fleet of cruise ships that include Brittanic dan Olympic; Titanic’s sisters) said arrogantly, “Even the God Himself cannot sink this ship” thus, this tragedy serves as a lesson to those who dare to deny HIS power. However, the writer was unsure on the originality of this statement but we still can learn something from this.

            Noah’s Ark was built and completed by Noah as commanded by ALLAH s.w.t. under HIS supervision. Noah’s people worshipped five idols which are actually the monuments created to motivate the people to exercise more ibadah. After being appointed as a rasul, Noah told his people to have taqwa to ALLAH and obey him. However, his da’wah and his build were despised by his people. The last offer to believe his message was given in form of sailing in the Ark but only a handful of people accept the message and embarked on the vessel together with animals in pairs. Rain from the sky and water from earth finally became a flood which ‘cleaned’ the earth from the kuffars.

The following are some comparisons made between these vessels;
R.M.S. Titanic
Noah’s Ark
Achieved record
Largest cruise ship in its age
First ship in human’s history of civilisation
Technological advancement and human pride
Obedience and submission to GOD
Materials of construction
Steel, rivets et cetera
Planks and nails
From nobles to paupers who can afford either first, second or third class tickets.
Man and beast that believed  Noah’s teachings and boarded by pairs
Sank in North Atlantic after sideswiping iceberg on starboard
Survived the great flood and docked at Judiy Mountain

            As a conclusion, regardless of how many milestones we have reached, GOD is still the one that Holds us. Compare ourselves to a ship, steer away from icebergs of arrogance or risk being sunk into the sea of stupidity and ignorance; darkening and suffocating.

Thank you, Assalamualaikum (^o^)

  1. Al-Quran al-Karim
  2. Unseen Titanic by Hampton Sides from National Geographic April 2012 edition
  3. Kisah Nabi Nuh A.S. by Mohd. Wahid Abd. Hanif from Solusi Edition 36-40

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